Tuesday, 2 December 2014

first meeting in Cardiff

Cardiff-University-first meeting 

Cardiff- University- first meeting
Cardiff-University- first meeting

Thursday, 21 August 2014

WISE Translators Cardiff University

Aga and Julia, two of the WISE project translators (Polish and German), celebrated their graduation on 16/07/2014. Tom George and Cristina Marinetti, with baby Valentina, were there to join in the celebrations!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

We proudly present a reading of one part out of three from the German plays on 29. June in Berlin! Welcome!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Some last pic from Berlin

Finally some last pic from Berlin, were we can find also our friend Georgios, who couldn't be with us for the last day. Thank you all for the deep, funny and intense experience.
Looking forward to the next international step: "Ask me!" Italy starting on the 31th of March.

Aufwiedersehen! S.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Our German participants in their own words

After the first article of the Basic Law in Germany: "The dignity of human being is inviolable" said by Elisabeth, some more thoughts about Politics, Art and Biographie by Ingrid, Jürgen, Lilo and Horst. 
And Walli who is comparing the principle of the German Basic Law with the experience in berliner traffic: "Suddently somedbody was braking behind me. It just occurred to me the concept of dignity: dignity and traffic lights for pedestrian don't work together!"


"Ask me!" Germany

From 25th of February till 5th of March I have been visiting our partner BRAND in Berlin for the V workshop module "Ask me!", in order to collect the German stories. Julia and Tom from Cardiff University were also there to help with translations of the report and to get a vivid impression of the work. The workshop itself took place from 28th of February till 2nd of March in the nice spaces of HUZUR Nachbarschaftstreffpunkt, a centre for elderly people with migration background. We spent the first day speaking about the past. The second day has been focused on the present and the third day has been conceived as a sort of opening for the future. At the end we answered questions about the project developement and had a confortable "Cafè und Kuchen" time, chatting and tasting cake from at least three different country traditions. Just to have a nice impression of our meeting, have a look to the videos! 

to be continued...

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pictures from the Past II

... And from Cardiff in November...

Pictures from the Past...

Waiting for the pic from the last mobility some photos of last year international meetings. From Apiro (Italy) in September


Friday, 21 February 2014

Polish-Italian Connection

From 8th till 13th of March NUR (PL) was glad to host Roberta Biagiarelli from Babelia&C. (IT) as a part of a mutual exchange of methodological means and experiences connected to Polish and Italian storytelling workshops.

During these few days NUR and Babelia&C. had a chance to discuss tools and methods used during meetings with seniors in both countries. Roberta met the trainer of NUR, Wacław Mikłaszewski and visited the workshop itself, held in Teatr Szwalnia (www.teatrszwalnia.pl). The meeting resulted in an interesting exchange between participants from Poland and Italy. Roberta presented a set of questions from Ancona's (IT) seniors, for example: “We would like to see, to understand which are the differences and the similarities between us in our past, in Italy and Poland.” and “We have a saying: <<It was better when it was worse>>. Is it the same in Poland?”. Łódź's (PL) group also got a chance to ask whatever questions to their age-mates back in Italy. While Italians were mostly interested in contrasts connected with history, Polish guys focused on mentality and habits. The most common questions were about family issues.

NUR is looking forward to host guests from other parties of “W.I.S.E.” for more methodological exchange, as well as upcoming sunny days in Łódź. Thanks Roberta! See you soon.