Friday, 21 February 2014

Polish-Italian Connection

From 8th till 13th of March NUR (PL) was glad to host Roberta Biagiarelli from Babelia&C. (IT) as a part of a mutual exchange of methodological means and experiences connected to Polish and Italian storytelling workshops.

During these few days NUR and Babelia&C. had a chance to discuss tools and methods used during meetings with seniors in both countries. Roberta met the trainer of NUR, Wacław Mikłaszewski and visited the workshop itself, held in Teatr Szwalnia ( The meeting resulted in an interesting exchange between participants from Poland and Italy. Roberta presented a set of questions from Ancona's (IT) seniors, for example: “We would like to see, to understand which are the differences and the similarities between us in our past, in Italy and Poland.” and “We have a saying: <<It was better when it was worse>>. Is it the same in Poland?”. Łódź's (PL) group also got a chance to ask whatever questions to their age-mates back in Italy. While Italians were mostly interested in contrasts connected with history, Polish guys focused on mentality and habits. The most common questions were about family issues.

NUR is looking forward to host guests from other parties of “W.I.S.E.” for more methodological exchange, as well as upcoming sunny days in Łódź. Thanks Roberta! See you soon.